“Boost Buddy” Support Copywriting - Boost Infinite
Image 1: A mobile mockup of the support homepage. This copy lived at the top of the page, and then the user would scroll down to click on different article blocks that were specific to researched topics to help our customers. One of the pieces we wanted to efficiently explain, was the Boost Buddy concept. We included the “activation specialists” context as a quick way to understand, and then made sure it linked to the Boost Buddy detail page.
Image 2: This page is the deeper explanation of what a Boost Buddy is. As the program expands, we plan to add more about the specific offerings and checkpoints throughout the activation process where the Boost Buddy is utilized. The goal here was to be memorable and succinct about the program concept. The tagline “Let’s talk. Human to human.” also tested the most positively in focus groups when assessing Boost Buddy content. I’ve started implementing that and more in communications beyond this page.
Image 3: This is the beginning of utilizing the Boost Buddy copy in other messaging. We drafted an email to introduce customers to their Boost Buddy and set the tone of individualized, personal support. Another business objective we had to accommodate, was incorporating a persistent feedback option within the body of the email. That’s where the line “Tell us how you really feel.” came into play. We’ve started incorporating that at the bottom of other emails through the activation process, for customers to always have an outlet for feedback.
Writing For Social Media
Over the course of the last decade, I’ve spent many hours crafting social media posts and sharing the work I’m doing with my followers. It’s always been a place to connect with people and share my internal monologue on occasion. It’s a great way to play with storytelling as well, with a variety of different intents. Here you’ll see a selection of posts from Instagram and LinkedIn, which have become my two primary locations for social.