Product Design

Image 1: A 3D rendering of a ring design that has since been finalized and produced. The concept is a minimalist design based on the following poem:
Earth and sky
the horizon line
the moment
when we meet.
Image 2: An abstract line-art piece called “Ascension” designed to be put on hoodies, t-shirts, etc.
Image 3: An illustration based on the Twitch show Critical Role. The elements of the piece are linked to two specific characters and meant to tell the story of their relationship. The illustration was designed and formatted for a wide range of merchandise.
Images 4 & 5: Athletic leggings with patterns designed by me and produced by Boathouse Sports for a line of retail products.
Images 6 & 7: A t-shirt and Zox bracelet utilizing an original design called “Lovely” which is a photo abstraction of a Rose.
Image 8: A Zox bracelet called “Go With The Flow” which consists of soft colors and flowing lines as a way to convey the name.
Typographic Posters

Typographic posters became a project I executed for social media, initially. Eventually, I began using it as a way to teach myself to think differently about type and texture. Each word has natural associations or understood tones, so I aimed to embrace (or sometimes challenge) those concepts. With my own moniker, I tend to be focused on clean lines, simplicity, and abstract design. I instead decided to push the boundary with color, and roughen up the feel overall. The other examples here are a bit more connected to their words and reflect the qualities of the word through font choice, textures, and chosen design elements to create the feeling, whether literal or more abstract.