
Hi, my name is Kaitlin and I’m a Storyteller!

This page is an introduction to who I am, a breakdown of my experience and skills, and a directory containing all the places I reside on the internet. You will also find multiple galleries of photos I’ve taken over the course of the last few years.

I hope you like what you see! If you would like to contact me directly, please feel free to email kaitlin@kaitlinandesign.com and I will respond promptly!

  • Adobe Creative Suite
    - Photoshop
    - InDesign
    - Illustrator
    - Lightroom
    - Premiere
    - XD
    Microsoft Office
    Google Workspace
    - Spreads
    - Slides
    - Docs
    - Sites
    - Lifestyle
    - Landscape
    - Portraits
    - Product
    - Sports
    - Concerts
    - Events
    Print Design and Layout
    - Catalogs and Look Books
    - Advertisements
    - Postcards
    - Business Cards
    - Posters
    - Books
    UX Design
    - Marketing
    - Customer Support
    - Poetry (the most efficient form of using words)
    - Social Media
    - Presentations
    Packaging Design
    Brand Strategy
    Creative Strategy and Direction
    Photo Retouching
    Social Media
    Journey Mapping
    Customer Experience Design
    - Customer Insights and Analysis
    - Pain Point Identification
    - Pitching Improvements to Executives
    - CX Improvement Implementation
    Customer Survey Strategy and Development

  • Customer Service Recognition
    This award is given to individuals who go above and beyond to help others. This recognition was specifically given for building a brand and visual assets for another team in my department who acts as a cross-functional consultant-like service.
    Dish Network, 2023

    Quarterly Employee Performance Award
    This award is given to team members who showcase a sense of adventure and curiosity, drive high-impact projects forward, and are an exemplar for others.
    Dish Network, 2023

    Shoutout Colorado Featured Artist
    ShoutoutColorado.com, 2022

    Zox Featured Artist
    Zox, 2018

    Maya Literary Magazine Cover Photo Winner
    Drexel University, 2015

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